Types of Urban Agriculture

A typology of UA


A New Typology of Urban Agriculture:

EFUA, the European Forum on Urban Agriculture, is launching a new typology of urban agriculture. Whilst previous typologies have emphasised the distinction between the two broad headings of urban gardening and urban farming, the increasingly complex nature of the discipline has meant that these typologies no longer reflect the full diversity of Urban Agriculture. Building upon previous work, EFUA has therefore developed its own typology through a combination of empirical research, questionnaire surveys and literature reviews. The new main categories within the EFUA typology are:

  • Urban Farms
  • Community Parks
  • DIY Gardens/Farms
  • Zero Acreage Farms
  • Community Gardens
  • Social Farms

Each of these forms offer their own unique advantages. Achieving a detailed understanding of Urban Agriculture is necessary in research and also for the sustainable implementation and integration of Urban Agriculture within planning and urban development. The key aim is to realise the value of these benefits within practice and policymaking. To do so, it is critical to fully understand the spatial characteristics, production features, operational parameters and social dimensions of Urban Agriculture.

Steps to achieving better policies are also shown:

Guidelines to support city authorities in the integration of UA into public policies and planning tools

The EFUA Typology: Full contents of PDF